Moving the Social - Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements (zugleich Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen)
Heft 60 (2018) - Social Movements, Protest, and Academic Knowledge Formation. Interaction since the 1960s
Susanne Schregel |
Introduction: Social Movements, Protest, and Academic Knowledge Formation. Interactions since the 1960s |
Theresa Nisters |
Fictional Academies as Strategy of Artists' Institutional Critique: Jörg Immendorff's LIDL-academy (1968-1970) and Gérard Gasiorowski's Académie Worosis Kiga (1976-1982) |
Wilfried Rudloff |
'Project Studies!' Reform Experiments in Academic Learning and Teaching in the 1960s and 1970s |
Anna Wellner |
Service Learning as an Alternative Academic Trend in U.S. Higher Education from the late-1960s to the mid-1980s: A Case Study from Michigan State University |
Martin Löhnig |
Alternative Legal Publicism? Four Legal Publications from the Long 1970s and their Reception in Legal Studies and Legal Practice |
Holger Weiss |
Against Japanese and Italien Imperialism: The Anti-War Campaigns of Communist International Trade Union Organizations, 1931-1936 |
Benedikt Sepp |
Markus Tauschek (Hrsg.): Macht, Politische Kultur, Widerstand. Studentischer Protest an der Universität Kiel, Münster/New York: Waxmann 2016 |
Michaela Keim |
Seva Koischwitz: Der Bund Freiheit der Wissenschaft in den Jahren 1970-1976: Ein Interessenverband zwischen Studentenbewegung und Hichschulreform, Wien/Köln/Weimar: Böhlau Verlag 2017 |