Moving the Social - Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements (zugleich Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen)

Heft 59 (2018) - Sex Workers' Fights - Prostitutes' Rights Movement in European and American Countries

Mareen Heying

Prostitutes' Movements - the Fight for Workers' Rights

Giovanna Gilges

Activism for Sex Workers in the Netherlands: Interview with Jan Visser about Foundation and End of De Rode Draad, 1976 to 2012

Mareen Heying

The German Prostitutes' Movement. Hurenbewegung. From Founding to Law Reform, 1980-2002

Joana Lilli Hofstetter

Still We Rise - The Contemporary Sex Worker Movement in Europe in the Context of Neo-Abolitionism and Repressive Policies

Sarah Beer

The Sex Worker Rights Movement in Canada: Challenging Legislation

Kate Hardy and Megan Rivers Moore

Compañeras de la calle: Sex Worker Organisation in Latin America

Stefan Berger

What is New in the History of Social Movements?

Darcy Ingram and Sarah Smart

Governance, Politics, and Environmentalism in the Age of Mass Recreation: The Campaign Against 'Village Lake Louise'