Moving the Social - Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements (zugleich Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen)
Heft 57 (2017) - Transnational humanitarian Action: Atlantic and global voluntary Activities from Abolitionism to the NGO's 1800-2000
Enrico Dal Lago and Kevin O‘Sullivan |
Introduction: Toward a New History of Humanitarianism, pp. 5-20. |
Stacey M. Robertson |
Marketing Social Justice: Lessons from our Abolitionist Predecessors, pp. 21-36. |
Kimberly A. Lowe |
The League of Red Cross Societies and International Committee of the Red Cross: a Re-Evaluation of American Influence in Interwar Internationalism, pp. 37-56. |
Julia F. Irwin |
Connected by Calamity: The United States, the League of Red Cross Societies, and Transnational Disaster Assistance after the First World War, pp. 57-76. |
Jo Laycock |
Saving the Remnant or Building Socialism?, pp. 77-96. |
Rob Skinner |
“Every Bite Buys a Bullet”: Sanctions, Boycotts and Solidarity in Transnational Anti-Apartheid Activism, pp. 97-113. |
Chris Morres |
Solidarity for Chile, Transnational Activism and the Evolution of Human Rights, pp. 115-135. |
Jeffrey Flinn |
Philosophers, Historians, and Suffering Strangers, pp. 137-157. |
Enrico Dal Lago and Kevin O‘Sullivan |
Review Article: Prosopographies, Transnational Lives, and Multiple Identities in Global Humanitarianism, pp. 159-174. |