Moving the Social - Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements (zugleich Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen)
Heft 49 (2013) - Space, Culture and Labour: Brazilian Urban Workers in the Twentieth Century
Paolo Fontes / Alexandre Fortes |
Brazilian Labour History - Recent Trends and Perspectives: An Introduction, pp. 5-10. |
Fernando Teixeira da Silva / Maria Lucia Caira Gitahy | The Presence of Labour in the Urban Culture of Santos, pp. 11-30. |
Cristiana Schettini | Looking Through the Window: Prostitutes and Their Neighbours (Rio de Janeiro, Early Twentieth Century), pp. 31-52. |
Adriano Luiz Duarte | Space, Culture, and Labour in Santa Catarina, 1900-1960, pp. 53-74. |
Jose Sergio Leite Lopes / Rosilene Alvim | The Strength of Working-Class Social Memory in a Northeast-Brazilian Deindustrialised Town, pp. 75-96. |
José Ricardo Ramalho / Marco Aurélio Santana | Workers of Flexible Factories: Region, Trade union and Class in Brazil’s Automotive Industry, pp. 97-112. |
Alexandre Fortes |
Participatory Budgeting in Porto Alegre: An Experience in Democratic Innovation and its Historical Background, pp. 113-136. |
Stefan Berger | New Publications on the History of Social Movements, pp. 137-159 |
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