Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen
Heft 27/2002
Labour an Social History in Great Britain Historiographical Reviews and Agendas, 1990 to the Present
Table of Contents:
Stefan Berger |
Introduction, S. 5-18 |
I. The Labour Movement
Lawrence Black | Labour at 100, S. 19-34 |
Steven Fielding | `New` Labour and the `New` Labour History, S. 35-50 |
John Callaghan | The Foreign Policies of the Labour Party, S. 51-68 |
Kevin Morgan | Labour with Knobs on? The Recent Historiography of the Britsh Communist Party, S. 69-84 |
Alastair Reid | Trade Union History: The Consolidation of Revisionism, S. 85-102 |
Chris Wrigley | The Co-operative Movement, S. 103-116 |
Dan Weinbren | Ìmagined Families`: Research on Friendly Societies, S. 117-136 |
II. Social and Intellectual History
Andy Croll | The Impact of Postmodernism on Modern British Social History, S. 137-152 |
Ross McKibbin | Classes and Cultures: a Postscript, S. 153-166 |
Edmund Neill | British Political Thought in the 1990s: Thatcherism, Citizenship and Social Democracy, S. 167-184 |
Karen Hunt | Gender and Labour History in the 1990s, S. 185-200 |
III. Institutions
John Halstead / Stefan Berger | The Society for the Study of Labour History and its Journal, S. 201-212 |