Mitteilungsblatt des ISB, Heft 35

Frank Ahland: Gegen alles Front machen, was der Demokratie gefährlich werden kann. Ludwig Rosenberg und die Verarbeitung des Nationalsozialismus

Driven by the idea of a future democratic socialist Germany , Ludwig Rosenberg (1903–1977), forced into exile in Britain by the National Socialists and later to become chairman of the German Federation of Trade Unions, returns in June 1945 to his destroyed homeland. On the basis of his experience of a functioning democracy and a strong institutionalised worker's movement gained in exile, he wants to investigate the possibilities of establishing a German equivalent of the Workers´ Educational Association. After 6 months in post-war Germany , Rosenberg, who lost part of his family to the Nazis, realises that the Nazis were far less successful in instilling their ideology in the minds of the German people than leaving behind a moral indifference and complete ignorance.
