Research Project
Development and perspectives of transnational party cooperation and European parties in the EU
The continued momentum in the reform process of the European Union has contributed to European integration comes in the minds of its citizens with growing interest, but also to increasing criticism. The view was directed so far mostly on the government level, while social and political actors like parties - and their cooperation in transnational party federations - have found much less attention. Against this background, in several sub-projects at the Institute for social movements, the historical origins of reclaimed European party interaction, the formation and start-up processes of European party organizations in the context of the EP first direct elections of the Maastricht Treaty and the adoption of the European party status investigated and focuses on current developments.
At the start of project activities discussed in the context of a scientific conference, which was submitted by the European Cultural Dialogue promoted ", a team mainly younger parties and integrate researchers from the disciplines of History and Political Science in November 2005, the first results later in a systematic inventory of the lines of development transnational party cooperation and the European party organizations are gemündet.
In another project, part of the section was created in conjunction with the Facultas-Verlag (Vienna), a publication that has made a political science perspective, current trends in the development of European political parties worked up and developed in this context is more theoretical and methodological approaches.
In the context of a further stage, a section at the Berlin Congress of Historical Sciences 2010 is provided, which also deals with the methodological and conceptual challenges to a history of transnational party cooperation.
For more information: Jürgen Mittag