Weitere Publikationen von Stefan Berger

Berger Regions Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements

Stefan Berger (Hrsg.)
Regions, Industries, and Heritage
Perspectives on Economy, Society, and Culture in Modern Western Europe

312 Seiten
Preis: 88,71 €

ISBN: 9781137333407

London: Palgrave Macmillan 2015

The industrial age has proved to be a formative period for Europe and has led to the emergence of differently structured regions. Some of these regions took a leading role in the process of industrialization, while others developed at a slower pace, started later or differed in the extent of their industrial development; our industrial heritage bears witness to the individual paths of development that have taken place since the late 18th century. The contributions to this volume take a regional perspective and focus on different stages of industrialization. Hence this volume not only allows comparisons to be drawn between different paths of industrial development, but also gives an overview of the different concepts of regions used among economic, social and cultural historians.