Weitere Publikationen von Stefan Berger

Berger Blind Workers Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements

Stefan Berger (Hrsg.)
Blind Workers against Charity
The National League of the Blind of Great Britain and Ireland, 1893-1970

280 Seiten
Preis: 88,71 €

ISBN: 9781137364463

London: Palgrave Macmillan 2015

The National League of the Blind was the first radical self-represented group of visually impaired people in Britain, with branches in every part of the United Kingdom. Founded in 1893, it registered as a trade union in 1899 and still exists today as part of the trade union 'community'. From the very beginning, the League campaigned vehemently to make the state solely responsible for providing training, employment and assistance for the visually impaired as a right. It also fought for the abolition of all charitable aid for blind people and better wages and working conditions in workshops, as well as other issues such as travel or tax concessions. This book is the first critical study on this unique social movement organisation. It explores the League's multifaceted character, its campaign for 'direct state aid,' its relationship with the trade union movement and the Labour Party, and its impact on the British welfare state.