Moving the Social - Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements (zugleich Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen)

Heft 54 (2015) - Essays on Social History and the History of Social Movements


Stefan Berger/ Christian Wicke

Editorial, pp. 5-6.
Dhiraj Kumar Nite Refashioning Women’s Self and Mining Homemakers and Producers on the South African Mines, 1976 – 2011, pp. 7-36.
Jakob Skovgaard Subpolitics and the Campaign against Barclays’ Involvement in South Africa,  pp. 37-58.
Kerstin Rosenow-Williams Climate Change and the International Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement, pp. 59-84.
Christian Heideck Conflicting Visions The Shaping of Industrial Relations in Japan and the Founding of the Friedrich- Ebert-Stiftung Asian Labour Institute, pp. 85-106.
Hans-Christoph Seidel “Guest Workers” and Trade Union Politics in the Ruhr Coalfield from the Late 1950s to the Early 1980s, pp. 107-128.
Eva Gondorová/ Ulf Teichmann Conference Report Summer School: Social Movements in Global Perspectives – Past, Present and Future, pp. 129-142.